Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Typepad Problems.....

I think Typepad is holding a grudge over the fact that, after taking a trial run there, I decided it wasn't for me and now it is punishing me in every way possible. Does it do these things for everyone else, or is it just me or my slow puter???.........

~runs so slow that I forget what blog I'm trying to visit.
~it never fails that I mess up the security code after trying to post a comment, then I have to wait forever to do it three more times.
~to scroll down, the screen jumps, gives me a heartattack, then takes a couple seconds to show back up again.
~makes all the other windows that I have open act up, run slow or not show up at all.
~on two occassions I've actually had to manually turn off my computer because of the interference.

Now, there's perfectly logical explanations for these things.....

1.)My computer just needs to be put to rest, it's had a good life, anyway.
2.)I'm losing my ability to cope well under stressful cyber situations and just seem to take it out on Typepad.

Nonetheless, I get so disappointed because there are so many beautiful and interesting blogs to visit there!!!! But, I have to admit, I've been straying away from visiting just because I'm afraid my computer will fry up. I feel so left out! {insert pout}


Natasha Burns said...

Typepad seems to do that a little, but maybe the computer is just a little tired. I for one hate that screen to put the code in, that I can never read properly and also have to wait for a new one to pop up. It drives me insane! I wish all typepad users would get rid of it!!! Blogger is so much easier, it's right there on the same page and doesn't expire if you don't do it straight away too!

Made In The South said...

I'm sorry I don't know much about typepad...I just wanted to let you know ,I would love you to add me as one of your links. I don't have much time to blog right know , but hope to get better and faster at it. Thanks , Bee Happy , MISSY

PEA said...

well maybe you could take it to a geek squad and give it a tune up. I tell ya worth the 40.00 and it gets rid of sooo many hick ups. I have to have mine done again sooon.
Miss you bunches now can we discuss shipping charges?mmmmmmmm remember to respect your elders... LOL

Angie(quillysilly) said...

Sorry to hear of your computer woes...isn't that just the most frustrating thing EVER??? Bu we are glad to see you back.

I love the new digi work you are doing and the collage work too! Have a great day!!! Toodles..>Angie

Sherry said...

I'm not a huge typepad fan. I love their templates but they are a pain to use at times (that's not to say that blogger is perfect, believe me, it's not!), but I agree with Natasha - why does the verification code have to come up on a separate page -- it takes longer to comment on a typepad blog. Wordpress is similar -- you have to log in to leave a comment in many of them.

Anonymous said...

I get annoyed visiting Typepad blogs too! Well more commenting on them...it is so slow!!!!!! And the screen always turns white for awhile on me and I am left wondering if it will work. Inevitably it does, however...so I am guessing your problem is a combination of the computer and Typepad!